Episode 82 – Chang Liu
Claire chatted to Chang Liu from Extend Robotics about teleoperation, virtual reality, and software.
Episode 108 – Giving robots the sense of touch Claire Asher
Episode 83 – Estelle Raffy Claire Asher
Claire chatted to Estelle Raffy from the University of Bristol all about animal behaviour, intelligence, and life-like artificial systems.
Estelle Raffy is a PhD student at the University of Bristol. During her Bachelor’s degree in neuroscience and cognitive science, the “brained body” of the octopus kept her wondering: how can nature start with similar basic principles and end up with massive decentralized systems that we still call intelligent? She did a Master’s in epistemology and history of science where she addressed what embodiment principles tell us about biological and artificial systems’ design and behaviour. Building on this, her PhD research aims to contribute to finding the ingredients for adaptive, ‘life-like’ behaviours in novel artificial systems.
Tagged as: Biology, Intelligence, Morphology, Adaptation.
Claire chatted to Chang Liu from Extend Robotics about teleoperation, virtual reality, and software.
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