Episode 88 – Lord Ara Darzi
Claire chatted to Lord Ara Darzi from Imperial College London about robotic surgery – past, present and future.
Claire chatted to Lord Ara Darzi from Imperial College London about robotic surgery – past, present and future.
Claire chatted to Elena De Momi from the Polytechnic University of Milan all about surgical robotics, artificial intelligence, and the upcoming ICRA robotics conference in London.
Claire chatted to Dan Stoyanov from University College London all about robotic vision, surgical robotics, and artificial intelligence.
Claire chatted to Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena from Imperial College London about medical robotics, robotic surgery, and translational research.
Claire chatted to Dr James Chandler (STORM Lab, University of Leeds) and Dr Matina Giannarou (Hamlyn Centre, Imperial College London) to talk about the exciting world of medical and surgical robotics and find out what they’ve been working on.